Joseph Gonzalez
Designer. Artist. Innovator.

Starlings Papercraft is a line of print and play toys that are in the shape of stars. Each of these star figures are characters that have designs based off different themes and patterns. What makes this different from other paper toys, is after building it you can collect and assemble your own papercraft toy from the different themes presented. You can also decorate and color your own starling figurine. This is one of a kind papercraft that is fully customizable and collectible.
Click here to download Starlings

Collect them all
Collect over 75 different starling figures that you can print, build, customize, and play.
Print your starling figure, then cut out the template and glue together each body part. Once you assemble it, you can finally play and decorate your workspace, or any room with starling figures.

Print, build, & play

Race Car
Starlings: Race Car Series features a group of star figures that represent different types of race cars; modern and classic.
Color series
Starlings: Color Series features a group of star figures that come in a variety of colors.
Customize your own
Customize your own starling by using body parts from the different star figures that you can choose from or design yours from scratch with the Starling: Color Your Own series. This series lets you print then color, and decorate a blank starling character.
Starlings: Monster Series features star figures that are based off different monsters.
Color your own
Starlings: Color Your Own Series features a group of star figures that you can draw, color, and decorate on your own.
Starlings: Poke-A-Dot Series features a group of star figures that have a dotted pattern design through out it's body.
Candy cane
Starlings: Candy Cane Series features star figures that have different colored candy cane stripes around it's body.
Starlings: Glitter Series features star figures with a different colored glitter design
through out it's body.
metal series
Starlings: Metal Series features star figures that represent different types of metal.
Gem Series
Starlings: Gem Series features a group of star figures with colored gem designs.
Sports series
Starlings: Sports Series features a group of star figures that contains the ball designs from different sports.

Starlings: Elements Series features star figures that represent various elements on earth.
Wild Cats
Starlings: Wild Cats Series features star figures based off different jungle cats.
This set of Starlings figures features star
figures that are not part of a series but
includes various independent themes.